Our colourful, high-quality deck of 52 Positive Affirmation Cards will help you shift your mindset towards more positivity every week of the year.
Each card illustrates a positive affirmation to build confidence, work on your resilience and form a better connection with your inner self.
Positive affirmations are very important to the Positive Planners. You’ll find them in The Positive Planner and The Positive Wellness Journal as part of the Daily Intentions morning pages. They’re a great way to gently introduce more positive self-talk, motivation and positivity into our lives, but we know it can be difficult to think of the right affirmation for every day. So these Positive Affirmation Cards are here to support and inspire you.
The cards can be used as prompts for your daily writing and combine perfectly with our Positive Planner and Positive Wellness Journal as well as our Positive Free Writing Journal. You’ll also see that their design matches our Positive Week Desk Pad Planner, making them perfect positive desk companions.
Made from
Each individual affirmation is printed on high-quality, thick card. The pack comes in a beautiful matching presentation box.
H14cm x W10cm x D3cm
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